Instagram is shaping up to be the world's most powerful selling tool Amid dire predictions for a mass exodus from facebook, the social network did make a winning buy with instagram.The photo app amassed over 150 million users in three short years twice as fast as twitter. That quantity has some quality.According to research by l2 think tank, instagram's community boasts 15 times more engagement than its parent company, and more than twitter or google google+. No wonder 91% of retail brands have cozied up to the potential buying power of instagram users.Sandwiched neatly between trend inducing selfies(Which may or may not include your pets, your swanky new bedding, or your just cooked meal), branded hashtags and location based tagging, it's clear that Instagram is the channel to tap for retailers that truly want to make an impression in omnichannel selling. L2's study, in partnership with olapic, the new york based software startup that helps retailers leverage user g
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